Rimmy Jim and beyond

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Rimmy Jim sounds like a crazy nick name, but it is just my latest focus as I work myself along Interstate 40 on my year long birthday present to myself (see map to the right - Rimmy Jim is about where the Interstate 40 sign is).  I had originally planned to blog something other than what I am blogging now, but I discovered that my treadmill desk focuses me in a way that previously I have not been focused.  I was listening to Merlin Mann's Inbox Zero on Google Video and was trying to multitask as I always have - listening to an audio file, checking email, blogging, writing, and doing whatever.  But for some reason I couldn't.  Now hear me correctly, I think there is always a place for the multitasker in me (think sick kid, stack of papers to grade, dinner to cook, homework to help with, and Christmas cards to address); but, I am learning as I enjoy my newly focused freedom that like everything there is a time and a season.  My focus seems honed in a way that while I have previously been able to flit about across several web pages, grade papers, and check email, my new found focus has made me recognize the efficiency in a singular focus task.  I enjoy writing my blog without any other distractions.  I enjoy surfing the web with my email turned off.  And I enjoy the satisfaction of working through a hard chunk of writing or to-do list items.  I am excited about carrying this focus back to work with me in January. And while Interstate 40 ends in Kings Gate, North Carolina, for the week I have my sights set on Rimmy Jims.