Fears, Futures, and Fortitude

Saturday, October 11, 2008
So as I near the end of my third week, I am finding myself nervous about week four.  As a person who spends a good deal of each year cajoling faculty and staff at my college to engage in new exercise routines -- I know how critical week four can be.  Week four takes someone toward the all important 28 day mark.  Research shows that on average it takes 28 days to make or break a habit.  As such, I was totally excited to make it this far; that is, until I had to schedule an unexpected trip to California for a week long stint.  I will be far away from my tread desk.  I have come to love my tread desk and all it has to offer.  So while I should be thrilled to be heading out for a bit of reprieve from life, I am less enthused than I expected.  On average I have been walking close to 7 miles per day.  Because I am heading south to help my parents, the idea of taking several hours out of each day to get 7 miles of walking in seems a bit selfish.  I do, however, want to keep up my progress so I am gearing up to get up each morning at 6am for a 3+ mile walk-jog.  I hope to repeat the routine in the early evening.  Stay tuned to monitor my progress.